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关于IPS 2022年会议通知
2021-12-31 10:57分享到:


IPS 2022年会议将在1月9-15日在厄瓜多尔首都(Quito,Ecuador)召开,会议分分线上和线下两部分,请大家及时关注会议相关事项通知,希望大家积极参加!




Dear all,

This is a very simple email going to everyone who is eligible to participate in the IPS-SLAPrim Joint Meeting. This includes those of us going to Quito, and those of you who will only be participating on-line. THE JOINT MEETING IS ON, so we look forward to interacting with all of you in less than 2 weeks.

The link to the on-line portion of the meeting will come out on Monday, January 3, and it will probably come from an email address atandesmultimedia.com. Keep your eyes peeled for it.

For those of you planning to make an oral presentation as part of the Joint Meeting, you will be getting yet another email with instructions. But that is the subject of another email.

For now, know that THE JOINT MEETING IS ON and almost everything is ready.

See you (live or virtually) pretty soon.

Steve S.

