SSC Internal Grants - 2nd 2020 round open

作者:秘书处 时间:2020-07-09 点击数:

Dear all CPS members,

Please read the SSC internal grants, and take for application of it if interesting is for conservation of primates.

 The second 2020 round of SSC Internal Grants is launched, the SSC program designed to support the implementation of the Strategic Plan developed by each Group in the SSC Data process.

This round is open for all stages of the Species Conservation Cycle (Assess, Plan, Act, Network and Communicate), in alignment with activities previously identified in your SSC Data sheet.

Considering the current situation with the Covid-19, we ask SSC Groups to please take into consideration the feasibility of the proposed projects in relation to travel and in-person meetings restrictions, physical distancing, and any other restriction imposed by the pandemic.

Applications will be open from 12th June to 12th July. For more information, please clickhere.

Many thanks,

Baoguo Li

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