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    Updated Action Plan for the Western Chimpanzee Pan t verus

    发布日期:2020-06-26      点击量:124

    Dear all.Just to say that an updated action plan has been completed for the Critically Endangered Western Chimpanzee. Versions in English and French.IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group. (2020)Regional Action Plan for the Conservation of Western Chimpanzees(Pan troglodytes verus)2020–2030.IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group, Gland, Switzerland. 72pp. [Wessling, E., Humle, T., Heinicke, S., Hockings...

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    Primate Conservation 34 (2020): Three new articles uploaded.

    发布日期:2020-06-14      点击量:124

    Dear All the CPS:Three articles forPrimate Conservation(34) have been posted on the website of the IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group, please looking as follows:Chaos in Coexistence: Perceptions of Farmers Towards Long-tailed Macaque (Macaca fascicularis umbrosus) Related Crop Loss on Great Nicobar IslandPartha Sarathi Mishra, Honnavalli N. Kumara, K. Thiyagesan, Mewa Singh, Avadhoot D.Velankar,...

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    发布日期:2020-06-01      点击量:124

    各位:Prof.Matsuzawa写了关于新冠肺炎起源及其在猩猩研究中出现的现象,对于我们今后研究野生动物生态行为有借鉴作用,希望大家看看。李保国Dear Prof. Li BaoguoI hope this finds you and your family well.How are you?COVID-19 stimulated me to write up the following paper.https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10329-020-00819-0 I attached the PDF.Could you please take the time to see the following 1...

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    Primate Conservation 34: New article uploaded

    发布日期:2020-05-25      点击量:124

    Dear all,Please read this article.I have posted, open access, the following article to be published in issue 34 (2020) of the IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group journalPrimate Conservation."Molecular Phylogeny, Taxonomy and Conservation of Slender Lorises" by Vincent Nijman, Tim Robbins, Amy Jackson, Simon T. Maddock and Andie Ang.http://www.primate-sg.org/storage/pdf/PC34_Nijman_et_al_Loris_tax...

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    发布日期:2020-02-01      点击量:124

    Dear All:Although the coronavirus influeted our activity we get a news from my friend Prof.Jonah of Madagascar. If next year there are time we have organized a scientific team to go to the country to see aniaml including primates and biodiversity.Now, please watch the following website.https://adventure.com/madagascar-biodiversity-lemur-habitat-loss/Best wishes,Baoguo L

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    Primate Conservation 34: 1st article of issue 34 (2020) has been posted.

    发布日期:2020-01-31      点击量:124

    Dear all,The following article, the first for issue number 34 (2002), has been posited on the PSG websitePaternal Activity Budgets of the Peruvian San Martín Titi Monkey (Plecturocebusoenanthe) in Response to Habitat Destruction, Seasonality, Thermal Stress, and Infant CareShannon HodgesTHe URL ishttp://www.primate-sg.org/storage/pdf/PC34_Hodges_P_oenanthe.pdfBest wishes,Baoguo L

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    New subspecies of Bale monkey

    发布日期:2020-01-21      点击量:124

    Dear all.2020 has started with a new subspecies of Bale monkey from Ethiopia. It was reported - unnamed - in Carpaneto, GM and Gippoliti, S. 1990. Primates of the Harenna Forest, Ethiopia.Primate Conservation(11): 12-15. Then examined genetically-speaking by Addisu Meknoen and colleagues (doi.org/10.1186/s12862-018-1217-y) and now named by Spartaco Gippoliti 2020J. Integr. Biogeog. 35: 31.The r...
